
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy love of miniatures stems from delightful childhood memories of visiting a favourite Aunt that had the most amazing Dolls House. I was enchanted by the tiny working lights and exquisite items that she made painstakingly for hours in great intricate detail. Of course it wasn’t a childrens toy but a Collectors item and I wasn’t allowed to touch it, but just looking with rapt amazement was quite enough for me and one day when I was a grown up too I told myself that I would own a beautiful Miniature house all of my own.

Of course life and big houses got in the way and it took me another forty odd years to fullfill the dream and another six to actually get around to building my little treasure, well actually I must confess to two little obsessions now as I have a Bistro shop as well as a grand manor house which continue as works in progress.

My latest delight however has been in producing miniature handsewn wedding dresses, which has now become a perfect hobby to fit in with my life as a Carer. I can sit with my husband and stich and bead for hours at a time and is I have discovered a perfect therapy for busy hands and restless minds! I started off with a beautiful book called The Dolls House Wedding Book by Sue Johnson which set me on the route to making my own pattern pieces and making replica wedding dresses…again this is a work in progress and I have a lot to learn.

I am looking forward to connecting and sharing the wonderful world of miniature with others of tiny minds!

Kate Harris xx

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